Friday, October 9, 2009
Talk the Talk but fail the Walk.
Several weeks ago, our youngest son who resides in NYC fell down a flight of stairs while at work. He gashed his head, broke an elbow and knee cap, and well as spraining writs ts and ankles. My wife and I could not afford a trip to NYC so we put out a prayer request for our son.
This prayer request was sent to friends as well as posted on our denominational Internet bulletin board. Had many responses for folk all over the country for which we are thankful and appreciative.
The rub comes from the church I pastored for nearly 17 years and to which my wife is a member. Only one couple from that church responded with prayerful support.
Now, this church is just 8 miles from our residence yet none of the ministers on the staff--they have 7 for a 50 member congregation took time to call or visit. None of the members with the exception of the above mentioned couple phoned, email, or sent cards. This is a church that boldly proclaims how much it cares for others and prays for people daily. Well not in this case and both my wife and I feel slighted by this lack of caring. In my opinion, they can talk the talk but fail to walk the walk.
I don't know why it takes 7 ministers to staff a congregation of 50. During my nearly 17 years with them, there was only one minister for a congregation of well over 100. And while I was not a perfect minister, I did sincerely try to visit those who needed it and to pray with them.
I doubt if I'll ever set foot inside that church again. And, when it comes time for my funeral, none of the ministers of that congregation will be asked by my family to officiate at my funeral.
Thanks for allowing me to vent.
Dr. Ron
Saturday, August 15, 2009
By Passing the Committee on Ministry

Wednesday, August 12, 2009
I Lost It
Things were progressing rather well until we met with one young man. When the chairman asked about his theological views he replied that he was orthodox, reformed, and a conservative. He went on to explain his position as being Calvinistic [our denomination is not]. He continued by sharing why he had left a certain denomination to set up his own church. That denomination he told us was too liberal and liberalism was heresy. He expanded this to include another denomination which he claimed was the first to allow homosexuals into the church. He held that church to be heretics as well. He continued his rant for several minutes and that's when I lost my cool.
I told him I was a liberal and did not appreciate being considered a heretic. And that I attended both "liberal" churches of which he spoke. I also told him I did not attend my denominational church because of their like-minded opinions of liberals.
I did of course remind him that I was a Christian with just a little bit of difference in interpretation of Scripture and that I had been nurtured as a fundamentalist. But during my faith journey, God had led me away from fundamentalism to the my current views. But, I reminded him, I still was a born again Christian.
I questioned him about homosexuality. He made the statement that all homosexuals are that way by choice and that there is nothing to the myth that it could be genetic in nature. I asked about the theological position of one who had accepted Jesus Christ as Saviour prior to coming out of the closet. He reply was that they made a choice to violate God's Word when they chose to become gay. I asked about their salvation once again and he implied they were not genuinely saved. I responded that I thought he had a lot to learn about salvation and homosexuals.
While I appreciate the views of others, this young man was so judgmental that I found it hard to believe. He expected us to interview him that day and have him ordained in September when the larger body met. The chairman and others told him that would not happen as there was a process he and others had to go through. That did not seem to rest well with him.
Before he left the room, I apologized for loosing my cool and tried to assure him that I would not hold his views against him as we went through the process.
It has been a very long time since I have given into my "Irish temper."
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Ah, Sunday
However what I do miss is the fellowship or family feeling of a congregation. Now, I am an orphan. Have no church family to speak of. My professional ethics prevent me from attending the church from which I retired. Another reason I do not attend is it has become radically theologically different. It is very radical in its conservative and evangelical approach to the Faith. Thus, my theological views are out of sink with theirs.
Any new congregation I visit would not afford the spiritual family connection as I would always be the 'adopted' family member. At my age, I am too old to be adopted and begin the process of being part of the family.
Ah, Sunday a day of relaxation for me in my retirement years.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Church Websites
However, that is not the case at all. All of their plans since the inception of relocation have fallen through for one or more reasons. But you would not get that information from its website. It still includes an architect's drawing of a church that will no longer be.
The lastest word is that the church will not relocate but remain in its current location despite some concerns the DNR [department of natural resources] has about the property beneath the current building. The website does not mention anything of this nature.
The pastor's blog has not been update in over a year. The associate pastor's has been updated recently.
All of this causes me to wonder about churches which direct us to their websites only to see outdated information. In this day and age, I think it speaks volumes about the church--perhaps being out-dated itself. I have no personal knowledge of this church only via its website and the things I hear from neigbors in the community.
Oh well, now I said it and I shall retreat to the wonderful world of a church website surfer.
Have a great and wonderful day.
Dr. Ron
Monday, June 15, 2009
Buster and A. B. Wood
This video shows more of the interaction between A. B. Wood and Buster. I had to constantly pet Buster to ease his fears of this new and strange thing. :)
These two videos were taken by my daughter using my HP Photosmart R847 digital camera. This is our first attempt at uploading videos from the camera. I'd say we did rather well. One of these days, I will get use to all the modern technology and by the time I do it will be obsolete. :)
Once again, enjoy the antics of Buster and A. B. Wood.
Dr. Ron
Buster meets A. B. Wood
Buster is my daughter's dog. She and her gentleman friend came over Friday evening to grill hamburgers, etc. My daughter found A. B. Wood, one of my muppets, and introduced him to her dog. Buster was not too sure what to make of the deal. He was a tad afraid. Then her gentleman friend took A. B. while I held Buster. I petted him while A. B. kept getting closer and closer. Lots of laughter and fun as we watched the scene play out before us.
Have fun watching. Remember life is short and there is much to smile and laugh about so laugh much each day.
Dr. Ron
Sunday, June 14, 2009
A friend
Sue phoned to inform me that Pat has ALS and is under hospice care with the end of his life drawing near. So sad for a young man--in his fifties--who had that amazing zest for life and lived it to the fullest. The news hit me like a ton of bricks. My heart aches for Sue, Pat, and their boys as they approach this chapter in their lives. Of course, my prayers are with them.
I have always believed in the hereafter from the Christian perspective. When it is time for Pat to crossover, I know it will be to a better place and that he will be relased from the pain and suffering of this life. That provides me with some comfort and joy. I will, however, be saddened that a good friend is now longer with me. That's natural. However, in my saddness I will rejoice because Pat touched my life significanly and I have grown because of our encounter.
Thanks, Pat for being my friend.
Dr. Ron
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
My New Chairiot
The chair has be very valuable in helping me get around the large campus. My department head saw me yesterday in the chair and said, "Ron, I can now assign you to any and all buildings on campus now that you have transportation." :) I relied, "Bring it on." :)
Have a great and wonderful day.
Dr. Ron
Former Student
Because last semester when I had her in my Ethics class she believed herself to be a loser and did many things to prove to herself and others that she was a loser. She did not care about school. What people thought about her partying ways, etc. She lacked respect for herself and others.
Oh what a joy it was to see her yesterday as the beautiful young lady I knew she could be. She touched my life and I have grown and more than that I touched her life and she has grown.
I end this by saying, "Go forth knowing you are valued, loved, and appreciated."
Dr. Ron
Sunday, May 3, 2009
High Cost of Being Handicap
While at the shop where the lift was installed, I engaged in conversation with a man whose significant other is severely disabled. He told me her chair cost more than thirty thousand dollars. I did not ask if they received any financial assistance or not. But, I was blown away by the cost of just one chair to help a person become mobile.
Also, as I thumbed through magazines, I noticed ads for vans...some of which exceeded fifty thousand dollars. I would have been interested in one, however, fifty thousand dollars is more than I earn in 3 years.
I don't know where I'm headed with this post only to note that I am surprised by the high cost of being disabled or handicap
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Illusions at a fast pace
The following link was sent to me by a friend who resides in PA. Click on the link below to see one of the fastest illusionists working today. Enjoy. Don't blink an eye as you may miss something.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Put On a Happy Face

This lady sure did put on a happy face and I'm sure most of those who saw her from behind had happy faces as well. I know I did when I first saw this photo.
Have fun today and "Put on a Happy Face."
Dr. Ron
Just Playing

Monday, March 30, 2009
A Novel Experience

Friday, March 27, 2009
Yes, I believe persons need to know Jesus Christ but, I do not assume that everyone I meet or have yet to meet are sinners in need of salvation. Some may be while others may not be. God will lead me to those who need to see and to hear of His unconditional love and acceptance. My daily prayer is that God will enable me to be His witness by word and deed and in so doing He will open the doors or lead me to persons who are in need of His help or salvation.
Let's assume one thing. Let's assume that God will use us as His instruments of unconditional love, acceptance, and forgiveness.
Have a great day rejoicing in the Lord.
Dr. Ron
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Now, I know what AIG stands for: "Ain't It Good?" working here with all the bonuses and perks those poor suckers pay us with their bail out money. Well, we poor suckers now own AIG and the good times are over. As one share holder in the company, I caste my vote to downsize or to terminate your afflication with "my company" effective immediately. And before you leave, you will pay back the perks given to you by our bailout funds. One other thing, don't let the door hit you on your way out....I don't want you to be in too much pain as you explain to your spouse how you lost your job.
That's my take and I'm sticking to it. What's your opinion?
Dr. Ron
Monday, February 23, 2009
A Happy Gathering
We had a happy gathering during Christmas 2008 with all of our four children being in one place at one time. Our two sons reside in different states which makes it difficult for them to be at family gatherings.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
New Computer
It was easy to set up and get connected with my home wireless net work which gave me access to the college's website. I spend a lot of time on that website grading papers, exams, and writing lesson plans. Now, my wife can enjoy her computer once again.
Am having fun and that is the main thing as I explore my new computer.
Have a great and wonderful day.
Dr. Ron
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Computer Update
Perhaps, I will go to Circuit City to see what they have discounted on their going out of business sale. My personal economy is just as bad as theirs although I can't go out of business. :)
Until the next time we visit on my front porch, I wish you well,
Dr. Ron
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Computer Crash
Took it to a computer repair shop on Saturday. First indication is that it is the hard drive. They will know more on Tuesday. They may or may not be able to extract and save some of the files.
I use the laptop for all of my college teaching work. While I have many of the files backed up, I don't have all of them. :( The semester just stared so I'll have much to do should I have to recreate the lost files. From now on, I think I had better back up my files each day just to be on the safe side.
A good learning experience for me.
Have a great and good day.
Dr. Ron
Friday, January 2, 2009
Marching to the beat of a different drummer
I made this comment years ago to a group of ministers, "When I retire I will not go to church." Their response was typical in that I had to continue going to church. I asked "Why?" and made the following statement, "When my father retired from Ford Motor Company, he did not go back to work." While I have been retired from the ministry for several years, this past holiday season was the time I chose not to go to church. It is one of those expected games that people play and this season, I chose not to play. It felt good to relax at home watching the various holiday programs on the television. About the only time I go to church anymore is when I am a guest minister [consultant if you wish]. Then if feels good because it is something I chose to do.
As I stated earlier, I march to the beat of a different drummer. My retirement allows me to be the real me with no pretense and fulfilling someone else's expectations. I like this beat. And the beat goes on so that I can do it "my way."
Have a great and wonderful day. Remember, you only have one opportunity in life to be your real self.