Sunday, June 14, 2009

A friend

I sometimes think about the end of life and what it may be like to 'passover' to the other side. During one of my speculative moments, the phone rang. It was a dear friend I had not heard from in a long time. She and her husband were and are dear friends. We met during my active pastorate years and shared many, many happy times. Sue and Pat are the kind of people you instantly fall in love with. Both have a zest for life and for living.

Sue phoned to inform me that Pat has ALS and is under hospice care with the end of his life drawing near. So sad for a young man--in his fifties--who had that amazing zest for life and lived it to the fullest. The news hit me like a ton of bricks. My heart aches for Sue, Pat, and their boys as they approach this chapter in their lives. Of course, my prayers are with them.

I have always believed in the hereafter from the Christian perspective. When it is time for Pat to crossover, I know it will be to a better place and that he will be relased from the pain and suffering of this life. That provides me with some comfort and joy. I will, however, be saddened that a good friend is now longer with me. That's natural. However, in my saddness I will rejoice because Pat touched my life significanly and I have grown because of our encounter.

Thanks, Pat for being my friend.

Dr. Ron

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