Monday, March 30, 2009

A Novel Experience

I began reading, "The Lord of the Rings." Heretofore, I have not read many novels but books related to philosophy, theology, and ethics. Since January or the Christmas season, my wife suggested I read some novels to broaden my reading horizons. I've become hooked on novels now.

I especially enjoy reading mystery novels. After reading several by Grissom and Robertson and others, I began to read "The Lord of the Rings." My oldest grandson gave it to me as a Christmas gift and now, I'm into it and loving every minute of it.

This book is one of the recommended readings Introduction to Ethics which I teach. So, now I can be more informed about the novel and the "moral of the story" contained within it. The author of the text book we use and Philosopher Martha Nussbuam both recommend reading novels so as to get a good look at life, the situations people find themselves confronting, and how they deal with them. So far I love my new adventures in reading.

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