Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Like most folks, I am very upset about the bonuses AIG is paying with the bailout money. Their reasoning is that they need to do so to keep good folks working. What about the good folks who have lost their money and jobs perhaps some of AIG bonus money could be given to them. The leadership at AIG need to come down from their ivory/gold plated tower and work and live like the real folks live--pay check to pay check. As a retiree with no pension or IRA's only Social Security and a part time position at a local community college, I sure could use a bonus. Try living at the poverty level, AIG executives...it is not fun...

Now, I know what AIG stands for: "Ain't It Good?" working here with all the bonuses and perks those poor suckers pay us with their bail out money. Well, we poor suckers now own AIG and the good times are over. As one share holder in the company, I caste my vote to downsize or to terminate your afflication with "my company" effective immediately. And before you leave, you will pay back the perks given to you by our bailout funds. One other thing, don't let the door hit you on your way out....I don't want you to be in too much pain as you explain to your spouse how you lost your job.

That's my take and I'm sticking to it. What's your opinion?

Dr. Ron

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