Sunday, July 5, 2009

Ah, Sunday

Nothing in particular to write about today. Just that it is Sunday. Sundays are not the same since I retired from the ministry years ago. I don't have to be at church. I don't have to play the 'church games' that so many ministers do. Do I miss it? Not too much.

However what I do miss is the fellowship or family feeling of a congregation. Now, I am an orphan. Have no church family to speak of. My professional ethics prevent me from attending the church from which I retired. Another reason I do not attend is it has become radically theologically different. It is very radical in its conservative and evangelical approach to the Faith. Thus, my theological views are out of sink with theirs.

Any new congregation I visit would not afford the spiritual family connection as I would always be the 'adopted' family member. At my age, I am too old to be adopted and begin the process of being part of the family.

Ah, Sunday a day of relaxation for me in my retirement years.

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