Friday, October 9, 2009

Talk the Talk but fail the Walk.

I seldom let things get under my skin but something has. It has taken me several weeks to mull this over in my mind but it will just not go away. So, permit me to vent.

Several weeks ago, our youngest son who resides in NYC fell down a flight of stairs while at work. He gashed his head, broke an elbow and knee cap, and well as spraining writs ts and ankles. My wife and I could not afford a trip to NYC so we put out a prayer request for our son.

This prayer request was sent to friends as well as posted on our denominational Internet bulletin board. Had many responses for folk all over the country for which we are thankful and appreciative.

The rub comes from the church I pastored for nearly 17 years and to which my wife is a member. Only one couple from that church responded with prayerful support.

Now, this church is just 8 miles from our residence yet none of the ministers on the staff--they have 7 for a 50 member congregation took time to call or visit. None of the members with the exception of the above mentioned couple phoned, email, or sent cards. This is a church that boldly proclaims how much it cares for others and prays for people daily. Well not in this case and both my wife and I feel slighted by this lack of caring. In my opinion, they can talk the talk but fail to walk the walk.

I don't know why it takes 7 ministers to staff a congregation of 50. During my nearly 17 years with them, there was only one minister for a congregation of well over 100. And while I was not a perfect minister, I did sincerely try to visit those who needed it and to pray with them.

I doubt if I'll ever set foot inside that church again. And, when it comes time for my funeral, none of the ministers of that congregation will be asked by my family to officiate at my funeral.

Thanks for allowing me to vent.

Dr. Ron

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