Monday, May 12, 2008

Semester Draws to a Close

Today was the last official day of classes. The finals will be on Wednesday and Friday. I will have two finals on Wednesday for my 2 ethics classes and one on Friday for the Philosophy class.

Most of the students are well prepared and will do well on the comprehensive final. Others will struggle to maintain a "C" because they have not applied themselves during the semester.

Overall, I've had a good group of students this semester. Two of them will graduate Thursday evening with their A. A. degrees. One will continue her studies at a local university while the other will return to her home state of Minnesota to continue her college education there.

Today was a bitter-sweet day for me as I get attached to the students only to let them take their flight beyond the "nest." Oh well, I will have another group of students in the Fall.

Such is the life of a teacher/educator. Until next time, have a great day.

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