Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Past, Present, Future

Yesterday, Tuesday, May 27th, I went to a medical facility for some blood work and other tests. While waiting, I noticed people of all ages entering the building: young, middle aged, and of course, us of more mature age. Some of the more mature persons walked with difficulty--I fit into that category--others who needed the assistance of canes or 'walkers,' and several who were in wheel chairs.

I pondered as I watched this parade of people about the past. In my past, I did not need so many different types of blood work and other tests. I was a reasonably healthy guy--overweight to be sure--but my overall health was rather good. That was until I was diagnosed as a Type 2 diabetic. I managed it well. But then, last year and this year, the doctors informed me of two new incurable diseases I must live with.

Yesterday's tests were for the latest incurable disease. Thus, I pondered what the results of this battery of test will reveal. It is tough waiting for results. The doctor will tell me next week the results of the test.

Now, I contemplate the future. Whatever the results, I will live with it. It may be difficult but my deep abiding faith in God will help me through. There is a religious song which states, "Many things about tomorrow, I don't seem to understand. But I know Who holds tomorrow and I know who holds my hand."

May all of you who are experiencing decline health as I am place your trust and confidence in God. You may not share my faith but whatever your faith, allow the Divine or the High Power to see you through the difficult days.

That's my position. I would love to hear yours.

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