Thursday, May 15, 2008


Two of my classes have taken the final exam with the third class to take its final on Friday. Now, the "fun" begins for me as I have to grade the exams with short answers and essays. I know of two students who will receive a lesser grade because they wrote only one sentence on 2 of the 4 essay questions. When I asked them about it, they indicated that's all they knew about the subject even though I had given each class a study guide a week or so prior to the exam. Go figure.

One of the students in the Friday class emailed me this morning because he could not find something in the text book that was contained on the study guide. I wonder why students wait until the last minute to cram for finals? I have to ask myself, did I do that while in college? Of course, that has been so long ago I have forgotten.

Grading the exams and tabulating all of the assignments to arrive at a final grade for each student will consume most of the weekend. But, that's okay as I love teaching.

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