Wednesday, May 7, 2008

The Front Porch

The front porch is almost a thing of the past, now we have decks in the backyard. During my childhood, a front porch was a family gathering place. On the front porch, we sat in swings, chairs, or on the steps as we talked about the issues of the day or future plans. The front porch was a place to visit with neighbors and say "howdy" to folk as they pasted by.

The front porch for this little boy [now a man] was a place to dream dreams, to let my imagination run while, and to ponder things I didn't understand. A lot of dreams have come and gone since those days on the front porch. I'm still a dreamer. My sense of imagination and wonder was birthed on the front porch and continues to mature with each passing day. I still like to ponder and question not only those things I don't understand, but things I do understand. On such occassions I've been known to "play the devil's advocate" as a way of challenging and stimulating conversations, debate, or dialogue.

I miss the front porch of my childhood home. I miss the wrap around porch at my grandfather's and grandmother's home. Ah, those were the days when I could gather with my brother and cousins on granma's front porch to play during the rain..or just to talk kid stuff.

Join me from time to time here at My Front porch

1 comment:

Peggy said...

Front porches are wonderful! Ours is like a second living room.