Thursday, June 26, 2008

Stress Test

On Monday and Tuesday of this week, I had a two part chemical stress test. For several months, my arms and leg leg have had a numbing sensation especially during the sleep hours. Actually my limbs were getting a better night's sleep than I was so I told my doctor about this. He ordered this chemical stress test.

Needless to say, my pre-test stress level began to rise and on the Sunday prior to the test the cartoon on the right appeared in our Sunday paper. You may need to double click the cartoon to view it in a larger size. While it is funny, I am certainly glad the stress test technicians and doctor did not dress like that. :) You can imagine what it would have done to my stress level if the doctor had entered the room dressed as the "grim reaper," I would have not need any if the chemicals. The shock itself would have been enough to stress my heart to a level whereby they could get a good reading and photograph. :)

On Tuesday when the technician injected the isotopyes into my system and it got to the heart, I was heard to exclaim, "Yoooooh." The technician smiled and said, "It got to your heart, didn't it?" "Oh, yes," replied. She injected some more and the ole heart endured the second wave of chemicals. The technician informed me that I was more than half way through the test and was doing fine. Easy for her to say. :) Soon the experience was over and I was allowed to have some peanut butter crackers and coffee prior to having images taken of my heart.

While lying on the imagine 'bed' really a slat with arms extended above my head, I listened to the music playing over head and took a well deserved nap. This experience lasted for about 13 minutes. I was a free man. I could go home and eat a real breafast and take a real nap. :) Which of course, I did.

Have a great and wonderful day.

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