Sunday, June 29, 2008

Not Just A Building

I have always said that a church is not a building but people. Certainly we need a building for the people to gather for worship, fellowship, study, and other things. However, the people are the primary church.

As I stated in a previous post, I was guest minister today at the First Christian Church, Gainesville, MO where I had served as an Interim Minister.

My wife and I were greeted with hugs, handshakes, and smiles as we enter the building. Those greetings set the mood for the worship service as the joy of the Lord abounded in the hallways and in the foyer. We were not the only ones greeted that way--each person who entered was embraced and given a smile. I had time to visit with some of the people who were there during my ministry. Each one had the same story to tell: "Ron, you kept us together during a difficult time. Bobby Jo is a real blessing to us as she had lifted our spirits to great heights. We were going through the motions of being a church while you were here and you challenged us to do great things for God. Bobby Jo has not only challenged us to do the same but has been our motivator and encourager every step of the way. We are so glad to have her as our pastor and so fortunate to have had you as our Interim Minister."

The worship service was great. The people were ready for worship. And, there were children and teenagers in worship which was a great joy to behold because while I was there there were just one or two children and no youth. It was great to see two teenagers bring in the flags and lead us in the pledges to both our nation's flag and the Christian flag. The service was a blending of traditional Christianity and the celebration of our nation's birth. I noticed about 8 to 10 children come forth for the children's moments and what a joy that was.

People, young, middle aged, senior citizens, long term members, new members, and a host of visitors all participated in the worship experience. They sang with enthusiasm and joy which thrilled this ole heart. Communion was a time of great reverence as the family of God gathered around His Table. It truly was good to be in God's House in Gainesville today.

I told the congregation their church was my spiritual home away from home. If it were not so far from Springfield, I would attend there each Sunday as they are what I believe a church truly ought to be...a loving, caring fellowship of people who are dedicated to Christ and ministering to the community and the world.

After worship, my wife and I were invited to eat dinner with several church families. It was a good time of fellowship and renewal of friendships. I sat across the table from a couple who were new to the church and they are so thrilled to be a part of that church community.

Was a day of blessing upon blessing for me at the First Christian Church, Disciples of Christ, Gainesville, MO. Trust your day was a blessing as well.


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