Sunday, July 6, 2008

Two Things I,m Beginning to Hate

Call me an old crudge mudgin if you want but there are two things I'm beginning to hate.

By nature I am a jolly, happy go lucky type of person. I mean, after all, I am a retired Santa Claus. But lately, I am getting fed up with a couple of things.

First of all, I will be glad when the political elections are over in November. My gracious, these politicians have been at it for a year or so. I've had enough of the statements of each one who promises a better day after they are elected. Yeah, right. What about right now? During this "recession," each American desires a better day now..and not some distant day in the future.

Millions of hard working Americans are without work now and the banks are foreclosing on their mortgages. Those on fixed incomes are seeing their savings, if they had any to begin with, going steadily down the porcelain fixture just to purchase gasoline and food while our President spends the last days in Office by running around the globe trying to fix the problems of the world. Why doesn't he stay home and fix our "recession" which I believe is beginning of a real economic depression? I'm sick and tired of all the lame excuses from every politician.

Here in my own state, there is a lot of mud slinging going on between two candidates of the same party viving for the governorship. Enough, already.

Now, the second thing I'm beginning to hate is the constant commericals for the forthcoming digital television change over in February. My gosh, these have been running for several months now. Give me a break. Why are we constantly bombarded with these public service announcements multiple times a day? Is someone fearful that a family living in the remote hinder lands may have missed the first 100 or so announcements? Or does someone in corporate America or the federal government believe that we are so illiterate that we could not understand it the first go around?

Who knows the answer to the enduring questions? I don't. I will however be thankful when the November elections are over. No, on second thought I won't because as soon as they are over the politicians who lost will begin their campaigns for the next presidential elections and they will be joined by a lot of wannabees even before the new President takes the oath of office. Lord, save us.

As far as the switch to digital television in February, 2009, I don't know if I'll be able to afford cable vision by then with the rising cost of gasoline, food, medical expenses including the high price of prescriptions, etc. Something will have to give and cable TV might just be one of the luxuries I can no longer afford.

Well, that's my take on the situation. Now, that I released it from my system perhaps I can go back to the lovable, sweet, jolly, fun loving guy I've always been. I like it better that way.


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