My wife and I had a "laid back 4th of July." While others may have gone to the lake, family reunions, or to fireworks displays, we stayed at home. Early in the day, I did some lesson planning and writing lectures for the fall semester.
In the afternoon, my wife and I watched "Independence Day" on television. As dinner time approached, I looked in the refrigerator for something to eat. That's a daily habit my doctors want me to cut back on. :)
I found a package of hot dogs and promptly lit up the grill. Cooked them slow and then placed most of them over the direct flame so they could blacken. My wife enjoys them that way. While I was a grilling, she was busy inside opening a can of pork and beans. We were getting ready for a indoor picnic. Earlier in the day, she had baked a home made apple pie which she bought at our daughter's church during the past Thanksgiving Christmas season.
We had a good ole fashioned 4th of July picnic. As you can see we live an exciting life. :)
My older brother who resides in Ohio emailed me about his day at Put In Bay. He drove in the old car parade on the island and then staked out a place on the dock where he and his lady friend could enjoy the fireworks. What a guy. :) I mean here he is older than me driving antique cars in a parade and staying up late to watch fireworks. I, on the other hand, went to be early to read only to be lulled into slumber land by the sounds of exploring fireworks.
I guess each one of us celebrates our freedom in different ways. Trust you had a wonderful 4th of July however you chose to celebrate it. Proud to be an American who treasures freedom.
Have a great day. Enjoy the day. Live life to the fullest.
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