Wednesday, July 16, 2008

An Olive Garden Experience

Yesterday, July 15, I had my annual check up with the eye doctor. Everything is fine thus, I won't have to return until next year. After a long wait for my eyes to dilate and for the doctor to make his examination, it was almost lunch time. As we left the doctor's office, I told my wife, "Let's go to Olive Garden" for soup and salad." She readily agreed indicating that she had been thinking the same thing while waiting for my exam to be done.

As I checked into to Olive Garden, two ladies behind me tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around and, lo and behold, it was two friends from my real estate days. Both of them hugged me and we exchanged the usuals, "how are you?" 'what are you doing?' One of the ladies was my broker so many years ago who did all she could to help me learn the business. The other lady was the office general manager and administrative assistant who also helped me a great deal. It was nice to see them once again.

My wife soon joined us after finding a place to park. My friends talked about how much I meant to them and then related something I did not expect to hear. Both of them keep photos of me as Santa and bring them out each year during the holiday season. For them and their children and grandchildren, I was the 'real' Santa. How sweet and touching that was to hear.

A chance meeting brought back some good memories. Those good memories and having lunch with my wife, made my day.

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