Tuesday, May 5, 2009

My New Chairiot

After many months of waiting, I am now able to use my motorized chair at school. This photo was taken in one of the college's parking lots. My students wanted to see me 'pop a wheelie' but I told them security would get me for speeding inside a building. :)

The chair has be very valuable in helping me get around the large campus. My department head saw me yesterday in the chair and said, "Ron, I can now assign you to any and all buildings on campus now that you have transportation." :) I relied, "Bring it on." :)

Have a great and wonderful day.
Dr. Ron

Former Student

Yesterday while on campus, one of my former students "blocked" the door so I could not move past her. She had a big smile on her face and open arms to embrace me. We exchanged the normal courtesies and then she said, "Dr. Ron, I will never forget you." When I asked why she replied, "Because of you and your parting thought to us each day, 'know that you are valued, loved, and appreciated,' I'm turning my life around." WOW, her statement blew me away. Why?

Because last semester when I had her in my Ethics class she believed herself to be a loser and did many things to prove to herself and others that she was a loser. She did not care about school. What people thought about her partying ways, etc. She lacked respect for herself and others.

Oh what a joy it was to see her yesterday as the beautiful young lady I knew she could be. She touched my life and I have grown and more than that I touched her life and she has grown.

I end this by saying, "Go forth knowing you are valued, loved, and appreciated."

Dr. Ron

Sunday, May 3, 2009

High Cost of Being Handicap

The hydraulic lift has now been installed on my car. The total cost was almost as much as the motorized chair itself. Of course, had to take out a loan for the lift.

While at the shop where the lift was installed, I engaged in conversation with a man whose significant other is severely disabled. He told me her chair cost more than thirty thousand dollars. I did not ask if they received any financial assistance or not. But, I was blown away by the cost of just one chair to help a person become mobile.

Also, as I thumbed through magazines, I noticed ads for vans...some of which exceeded fifty thousand dollars. I would have been interested in one, however, fifty thousand dollars is more than I earn in 3 years.

I don't know where I'm headed with this post only to note that I am surprised by the high cost of being disabled or handicap