Friday, August 1, 2008

Policial Phone Calls

Missouri has a "no call list" and we are on it. My concern is that it did not prohibit political candidates from invading the privacy of my home. I am so sick of getting recorded messages from candidates of both major political parties especially those running for state, county, or city positions.

I hang up when I receive such a call. If the candidate wants my vote and or opinion, let him or her speak to me directly. I can tell them one thing---any candidate who calls my home with an "important" recorded message will not get my vote in the primary or general election. My time and privacy are too important and valuable to have wasted by politicians.

Missouri's campaign for governor has been a "mud fest" from the very beginning with two of the major candidates throwing it back and forth. I will not vote for anyone who slings mud at their opponent be it in the state or federal election.

That's my take. What is yours?

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